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How To Write Great Headlines

It can be daunting to sit down and try to write headlines for your ad. That is why Adzy gives you pre-written headlines which are written to go well with the imagery in the ad.

If you want to change the headlines we offer, here are some tips:

  1. Keep it as short as you possibly can
  2. Make it benefit-related, not product-focused
  3. Use clear and simple language and avoid jargon or acronyms
  4. Imagine that you were talking to a friend, how would you speak to them? See if that liberates you to write a more engaging headline.
  5. Check that what you have written is really better than the original headline. In our experience, in most cases, it is not (sorry to sound big headed but our data shows this to be the case)
  6. When writing the sub-headline, do not just rewrite the same thing as you wrote in the headline. They do two different jobs. The headline should reach out and grab your customer and make them an exciting promise about how you will benefit them. The job of the sub-headline is to answer the question “oh, yah, and how are you going to do that”… giving them a reason to believe your promise based on the features of your product/service.

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